Every is used by thousands of trusts and schools every day. From speaking with our customers, we have found that every organisation adapts the system to meet their unique goals and requirements. We’re always looking to show you new and innovative ways others use the system to give you ideas on how your school can benefit.
With that in mind, here’s Nicholas Postgate Catholic Academy Trust’s HR journey so far…

The challenge
Nicholas Postgate Catholic Academy Trust’s HR management had become reduced to an advisory capacity, with all key information held purely at the school level. The Trust was becoming frustrated with what they saw as redundant steps holding them back from a streamlined HR process, all they needed was to make their centralised information more readily available.
We spoke to Nick Doy, the Head of Data Quality for the Trust about the difficulties they had been facing: “The problem we have is that we have one individual who has become ‘the master of all’, and they are taxed a lot on their time by multiple sources. They are the experts on the compliance system, on health and safety, on HR even, and it’s become sort of a choke point for them, so we want to manage their workflow as much as possible.”
But Nick saw a solution for their troubles in Every’s specialist HR system…

Solving the problem
Nicholas Postage Catholic Academy Trust was an existing user of Every’s compliance system when they heard that we were developing a HR solution that focussed on the needs of the education sector.
Initially looking for just a performance management system, Nick realised that for the same cost as just that one system, Every could also offer them a solution to all of the other problems the Trust was facing that had been put on the backbench.
Every’s products are engineered by schools, and we recognise that no one knows what the education system requires better than those working within it. Nicholas Postage Catholic Academy Trust became an early feedback contributor for the development of Every’s HR system, “we could really specify what our priorities were… we stipulated that a single central record functionality would be really useful.”
“In the initial instance, just having our data centralised in a single system will be exponentially better than we would have ever functioned without it, and from then anything more we add on will be excellent. As we go further down the line, further into this journey, I’m hoping that the dialogue between Every and the Trust will continue to be as fruitful as it has been up to this point.”
“The problem we have is that we have one individual who has become ‘the master of all’, and they are taxed a lot on their time by multiple sources. They are the experts on the compliance system, on health and safety, on HR even, and it’s become sort of a choke point for them, so we want to manage their workflow as much as possible.”

What difference is Every going to make?
“For us the system’s primary function is twofold – To store and record information for the retrieval as and when required, but also to audit the schools and make sure the processes and procedures are being followed and adhered to.
Having the ability to, in the same way as compliance, check that someone is not just playing the game, it’s not just tokenistic, people aren’t just ticking boxes, it’s actually a process that is being followed. That is the main thing we see ourselves getting out of this system.”
We will catch up with Nick further into his HR journey.

How we can help you?
Are you looking for a simple, flexible way to manage your organisation’s HR? Do you want to manage people, not processes? If you would like to simplify the management of all key employee information get in touch with us today – we’re more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
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