
New to Every By IRIS or an existing user of our HR, Compliance, or Payroll Software?

Our webinars are designed to address current challenges faced by schools and trusts. We also run webinars to support users of our HR and compliance management systems to get the most from their Every By IRIS software!

Is the education sector in its modern employee management era?

Words like ‘holistic’ are thrown around to describe modern methods of HR management, but what does that actually mean?

During this 60-minute session, Alex Edwards discussed how HR in the education sector is undergoing an exciting transformation away from a transactional service and into one that’s truly adding value to the staff it’s responsible for.

Watch back as he explores:

1. How a self-service employee portal is far more than just an efficient way for staff to request leave

2. Why we can’t ignore the growing demand for payroll to integrate with HR (and what we’re doing about it!)

3. How MATs should be using data to improve staff retention and recruitment efforts – rather than simply compiling it

GEMS part 1: How to put GEMS guidance into daily practice to support your strategic estate vision

The DfE’s GEMS guidance aims to ensure schools can maintain safe and compliant learning environments. There’s plenty of tools and checklists on offer to help put good estate management in practice – but are you making the most of them to achieve your estate vision for the next 5/10 years?
Whether your answer’s ‘no’ or you’re feeling unsure, we’ve got you covered! Watch Ben’s 60-minute session where you’ll be guided through three key components of GEMS to learn:
1. What strategic estate management looks like in practice, including the documents you need to achieve it
2. The insights that can be drawn from an effective maintenance risk-based tool
3. How to use the data in your compliance tracker to promote a safer learning environment – rather than merely compile it

GEMS part 2: How to make funding go further with effective condition management

So you’ve got an estates vision for the next few years, but is your estates strategy set up to achieve it?

In part 2 of our GEMS webinar series, Ben’s going to be focussing on funding – the aspect of estates management with all the power, yet the one that often feels like the gatekeeper to success.

He’s going to be talking you through best practice to make funding go further, using our compliance management solution (Every Compliance By IRIS) to demonstrate:

1. How to quickly understand what your school or MAT’s maintenance priorities should be

2. What a consistent approach to estates projects looks like and the benefits it brings

3. How to use asset management activities to create cost-saving opportunities

How to boost confidence in the Single Central Record

Your school’s SCR is one of the many statutory requirements to ensure the safety and security of students. And also one of the first points of focus for when that call from Ofsted comes in!

Boost confidence in your SCR year-round by watching this 30-minute session. Get a whistle-stop tour of the difference managing the Single Central Record with our HR software (Every HR) makes to your school or MAT.

You’ll leave the webinar understanding:

1. How to feel confident the data being entered into your school’s SCR is up-to-date, keeping in mind the usual summer staffing shuffle
2. The advantage of managing your entire organisation’s SCR data from a single system – no need to have multiple tabs open for this task!
3. The difference our multi-site dashboard for MATs makes to managing multiple schools’ SCRs, like helping you identify where extra support is needed

What’s the real cost of staff absences to your MAT or school?

LA maintained schools spent £0.7 billion on supply and agency teachers in the financial year 2022-23 to keep students in classrooms and lessons running, but the real cost stretches further than the bottom line.

In April, we spoke to Nicola Johnson, Director of People and Culture at Prince Albert Community Trust, for first-hand insight on how the trust is responding to the challenge of staff absences.

Rewatch the session to:

1. See how increased visibility over absence levels is helping this trust to spot patterns in who’s taking time off – and why
2. Understand how you can get to the root cause of absences and encourage more open conversations with staff about attendance
3. Realise how you can be using trends in long-term sickness data to make proactive interventions that support staff wellbeing

Did you know that Every HR and Every Compliance are modular systems?

That means you can start with 1 or 2 modules and grow into the system as your school or trust’s needs evolve.

Take a look at some of the modules available in Every HR and Every Compliance!