Here’s a question… How do schools more effectively budget for reactive maintenance?

Over the last 15 years I've provided systems and services to local authorities, NHS trusts and other similar organisations. What strikes me over the last 18 months, talking to a heck of a lot of schools, is that the same basic problems exist in schools albeit on a much smaller scale.

These problems tend to revolve around the fact that reactive, by definition, is unplanned and not only does that mean it’s difficult to budget accurately but of course it’s disruptive and that can have knock on effects.

So how do you apply some science to this? Can you be more proactive? Can you budget for something you can’t plan? Can you minimise or preempt the reactive issues to minimise disruption to your school?

Well there is a school of thought (pardon the pun) that says you can. What’s even better is that you can make significant inroads with just a couple of simple steps.

I think the first step should be to know what’s gone on before. One particular school recently told me about their Year 3 toilets that they suddenly realise how big a problem they had with them when they started to log them. They then investigated a little further and made some subtle but highly effective changes so that now they have no more issues with those toilets.

Included in that first step should be an effective logging system and I don’t mean the tried and tested ‘staff room book’ or a spreadsheet or emails. They had their place but technology has moved on.

An effective logging system enables you to view, report and plan ahead. You’ll be able to spot trends like the  Year 3 toilets and in this way you will start to be more proactive rather than reactive.

By being more proactive you will minimise disruptions, unlock more time for the planned activities, gain more control over the costs around reactive work and ultimately be more able to maintain a safe, effective and efficient premises.

So that’s the theory… why not book a free demo with Every to see how to put it into practice?